the search is on again, and this time its personal. okay, not "personal" but it is a search that i am instigating. this search is for the perfect summer wine.
honestly, i think this is the perfect summer wine. it is slightly bubbly, a light and clean wine. unfortunately, i can't find it anymore. whole foods was running a special on it, but i can't seem to find it again. so that prompted me to seek out other vinho verdes. these are the ones i've tried thus far...
please bear in mind that i am no expert (or sommelier), and that i am also basing this purely on my preferences. so, the broadbent, i found it to be the most boring of all of these, it wasn't bad but it wasn't enough either. i would tie the gatao and the quinta da aveleda. they were good and enjoyable, but still not quite as amazing as the opala. and the casal garcia was also good, but the sweetest of all of these. does anyone have any suggestions? if you haven't tried a vinho verde, you should! it really is the perfect summer wine!
I recently had an amazing bottle of Moscato D'Asti. It's my perfect summer white.
ohhh, sounds lovely! any wine that is lightly sparkly sounds delicious to me! thanks for the tip, i might just try and find a bottle today!
There's also currently a special on vino verde at Trader Joe's, at least the one here in NYC, for $3.99. We bought three bottles of it last night. I'm sure Stef'll give you a review once she cracks one open but for $3.99 I'm not sure there's a better deal.
It is absolutely divine. Definitely give it a try. You won't regret it, especially if you like sweeter wines. :)
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